Quick and Easy Content: Share Positive Customer Reviews


Are you resharing positive customer reviews right now?

This is a quick and easy way for you to get great content on your Facebook page. Share a raving recommendation that a customer leaves on your Facebook page and your Facebook followers that agree may click like, leave comments and share the recommendation.  All you have to do is hit “share”. If your customers are willing to “sell” your product for you, take advantage of their public posts and reshare!

PRO TIP: If it's a recommendation or review on a public page, then it's publicly shared in the first place (the little globe will tell you that, next to the timestamp). If someone shared it on their own private page that you have access to, we highly recommend asking their permission to reshare it and/or asking them to make the post public.

Exciting news: We started a new Facebook Group to share more tips like this with small business owners! Join our community by clicking here.