A lot of small businesses look past email lists, but the content for emails can often go hand in hand with social media, and when the two work together, it can be both efficient and super effective.
We’re noticing email open rates are actually quite high during the pandemic. People are spending more time on their phones during this time, which means they're also spending more time in their inbox.
One of our clients’ lowest open rates in March and April is actually about the same as average open rates in a normal month. Their average open rates now are almost double what we saw for them in just January & February.
If you have an email list, keep sending emails. If you haven’t sent an update in a while, now is the time to begin again.
Need content ideas? Look at your social media, and don’t overthink it. Screenshot a photo from your live video and add a link to watch it on Facebook. Repurpose some of the fun content that shows off what you've been up to at home. Or you can simply say, we miss you!
If you can stay top-of-mind for your customers during this time, you'll be top-of mind once everything reopens.
Exciting news: We started a new Facebook Group to share more tips like this with small business owners! Join our community by clicking here.